I told you to ask whatever you'd like, and boy did you ask! LOL! I love ya'll. I promised to answer them so here goes:
1. Will U marry me and bear my children? I started with this one on purpose. HA HA! I have to tell you that, while you are exceptionally cute, I am already married and have 2 biological and 2 step children. So the answer is: NO. :-)
2. Why did you want to be a personal trainer? I wanted to be a trainer because I have struggled with weight and health issues for so long, I wanted to know how to lose the weight and be fit and do it properly. I knew that there must be a lot of other people with the same issues as me. Once I started, I realized how much I enjoyed it. After graduation someone I admire greatky told me to "be the change I wanted to see in this world". I am trying.
3. What do you do for fun? Well, this is fun for me. I enjoy training and thats what I do.
4. Don't you have other interests besides sweating? I am gonna assume that by sweating you mean "working out"! Yes. I do have other interests. I like to hang out with friends, although I don't get invite to too many places. Not sure if thats because people assume I am too busy (might be) or just don't want to. I like spending time with my kids. I like movies, reading, red wine and food. My top priority, right now, is date night and family.
5. Is it hard too keep up with all the questions and stuff on Facebook? I am a self admitted Facebook addict. No. It's not hard. I enjoy it. I love hearing from you all and staying in touch with people that I would have long lost contact with if not for Facebook. Which, actually, is a sad statement.
6.Would you ever consider doing a boot camp in my area? HELL YES.
7. Ever consider moving from the Keys and exploring your options? All the time. But I love this community and the people in it.
8.Are you really this happy and positive all the time? No. ;-) Sorry. It's the truth. I focus on the positive as much as possible. I have my moments. I "wusaw", I meditate,I cry, I call my sister, I scream, I do whatever I need to do to shake it off.
There are a lot more questions. I will not be answering them all tonight. I am answering every question in the order recieved. You guys are extremely curious! I like that. Keep em coming1
Yours in Health, Fitness and Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro
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