Personal & Family life~
- Get my personal life in order. My personal life is a mess. I need to prioritize and learn better balance.
- Increase my circle of friends. I really do not have a group of people that I "hang out" with. I get so caught up in working or my own issues, that I do not really make time for others. So I need to get a little more social. I need girls night and a group of friends that I can talk to. Any volunteers?
- Learn to maintain a positive outlook in ALL situations. I have so much to be thankful for, however, in certain situations, ususally personal ones, I tend to forget.
- Spend more time with my children. I do not spend even close to enough time with them. We need more fun, quality time, instead of: "Is your homework done?", "why'd you do this or that?" , disciplinary time.
- Take better cosmetic care of myself. I am simply not girlie. I always take care of my skin, but I need to start getting my hair taken care of, put on makeup every now and again, and endulging in pedicures. (This is Tina & Tracy's fault!)
- Make more time for fun. I spend a LOT of time working. Gotta start enjoying life more.
- Continue working on Tactfulness. anyone who knows me understands that tact is not my strong point. I have been working on it for years.
- Stop being so critical of myself.
- Donate through out the year to the MKAF.
- Complete round of P90X, ChaLean Extreme, & Brazil Butt Lift.
- Stay committed to my gym workouts.
- Increases my cardiovascular endurance.
- Complete a full marathon.
- Drop BF to 10%.
- Help at least 30 people reach their fitness, health and wellness goals.
- Begin teaching Turbo Jam.
- Begin Teaching Hip Hop Hustle.
- Attend Turbo Camp. (great for motivation & networking)
- Grow in my Beachbody Coaching.
- Increase Mary Kay clients by 150.
- Build ICU Fit clients, in and out of the gym.
- Get myself more organized.
- Learn and implement better time management.
Yours in Health, Fitness, and Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro