Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Own Personal New Years Resolutions

New Year-2010

As 2009 draws to a close, I reflect back on this year with a lot of mixed emotions: happiness, sadness, anticipation, fear. Some of my resolutions are short term; most are long term. But I hope to cross them off as the year goes by.
Personal & Family life~
  1. Get my personal life in order.  My personal life is a mess. I need to prioritize and learn better balance.
  2. Increase my circle of friends. I really do not have a group of people that I "hang out" with. I get so caught up in working or my own issues, that I do not really make time for others. So I need to get a little more social. I need girls night and a group of friends that I can talk to. Any volunteers?
  3. Learn to maintain a positive outlook in ALL situations. I have so much to be thankful for, however, in certain situations, ususally personal ones, I tend to forget.
  4. Spend more time with my children. I do not spend even close to enough time with them. We need more fun, quality time, instead of: "Is your homework done?", "why'd you do this or that?" , disciplinary time.
  5. Take better cosmetic care of myself. I am simply not girlie. I always take care of my skin, but I need to start getting my hair taken care of, put on makeup every now and again, and endulging in pedicures. (This is Tina & Tracy's fault!)
  6. Make more time for fun. I spend a LOT of time working. Gotta start enjoying life more.
  7. Continue working on Tactfulness. anyone who knows me understands that tact is not my strong point. I have been working on it for years.
  8. Stop being so critical of myself.
  9. Donate through out the year to the MKAF.
Health & Fitness
  1. Complete round of P90X, ChaLean Extreme, & Brazil Butt Lift.
  2. Stay committed to my gym workouts.
  3. Increases my cardiovascular endurance.
  4. Complete a full marathon.
  5. Drop BF to 10%.
  6. Help at least 30 people reach their fitness, health and wellness goals.
  1. Begin teaching Turbo Jam.
  2. Begin Teaching Hip Hop Hustle.
  3. Attend Turbo Camp. (great for motivation & networking)
  4. Grow in my Beachbody Coaching.
  5. Increase Mary Kay clients by 150.
  6. Build ICU Fit clients, in and out of the gym.
  7. Get myself more organized.
  8. Learn and implement better time management.
Well, that's gonna do it for 2010. I am going to be extra hard on myself to accomplish all of these things. What are your resolutions?
Yours in Health, Fitness, and Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro

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