Sunday, November 29, 2009

I answer your questions.

I recieved the following message in my inbox on Facebook. I decided to answer this in this blog because many of you who are following my Beach Body Fitness Journey ( may have these same questions.
"Hi Karen. Glad you are feeling better. I just wanted to thank you for all of the motivational words. I really enjoy your blog, and FB pages. I do have a few questions for you.
1. What is your lemon water exactly? Why do you drink it every morning?
2. Have you really been doing P90X and Insanity? Doing both doesn't exahust you to the core? Plus you still work 2+ jobs!
3. What are the pros of Shakeology -vs- a protein shake with, lets just say, PB, banana and fat free milk?
4. What is the Figure 8 Am workout?
I look forward to seeing you around the gym. Have a great day!"

1.I drink lemon water every morning first thing. It is 8 oz of room temperature or warm water with the juice of 1/2 lemon squeezed into it. I do it for the benefits.Lemons help to cleanse your body of toxins, helps purify the liver and kidneys, aids in digestion and so much more. I probally drink this 2-3 times a day.
2. I have been doing BOTH P90X and Insanity and YES! Its pretty tough. As I keep getting busier & busier, I am concidering doing P90X one day and Insanity another. But for now, I will stick to this.AND I WILL DEFINTELY BE KEEPING MY J-O-B and my business. It's a must in this economy.
3. I do Supplement with Shakeology AND Whey Protein Shakes.There are differences. I use protein shakes as the perfect supplementation for muscle building and muscle recovery. Therefore, BEFORE and AFTER a workout. Shakeology my lifesaver! It provides me with instruments for  energy (I burn, on average, between 3500-4000 a day) & long term health and wellness. I won't pretend to be able to explain enough about it to do it justice. To learn more about Shakeology, click here.
4. The figure 8 A.M. workout is a workout I do every morning to wake up. I actually got it from a PHENOMINAL personal trainer out of  Toronto, ON. I'd love to tell u all about it, but that is something I save for my clients. :-)

Thank you for the emails/ FB messages/ text messages. I really do read them all; I look forward to them. I am listening.
Yours in Health, Fitness & Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro~CPT

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