Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Own Personal New Years Resolutions

New Year-2010

As 2009 draws to a close, I reflect back on this year with a lot of mixed emotions: happiness, sadness, anticipation, fear. Some of my resolutions are short term; most are long term. But I hope to cross them off as the year goes by.
Personal & Family life~
  1. Get my personal life in order.  My personal life is a mess. I need to prioritize and learn better balance.
  2. Increase my circle of friends. I really do not have a group of people that I "hang out" with. I get so caught up in working or my own issues, that I do not really make time for others. So I need to get a little more social. I need girls night and a group of friends that I can talk to. Any volunteers?
  3. Learn to maintain a positive outlook in ALL situations. I have so much to be thankful for, however, in certain situations, ususally personal ones, I tend to forget.
  4. Spend more time with my children. I do not spend even close to enough time with them. We need more fun, quality time, instead of: "Is your homework done?", "why'd you do this or that?" , disciplinary time.
  5. Take better cosmetic care of myself. I am simply not girlie. I always take care of my skin, but I need to start getting my hair taken care of, put on makeup every now and again, and endulging in pedicures. (This is Tina & Tracy's fault!)
  6. Make more time for fun. I spend a LOT of time working. Gotta start enjoying life more.
  7. Continue working on Tactfulness. anyone who knows me understands that tact is not my strong point. I have been working on it for years.
  8. Stop being so critical of myself.
  9. Donate through out the year to the MKAF.
Health & Fitness
  1. Complete round of P90X, ChaLean Extreme, & Brazil Butt Lift.
  2. Stay committed to my gym workouts.
  3. Increases my cardiovascular endurance.
  4. Complete a full marathon.
  5. Drop BF to 10%.
  6. Help at least 30 people reach their fitness, health and wellness goals.
  1. Begin teaching Turbo Jam.
  2. Begin Teaching Hip Hop Hustle.
  3. Attend Turbo Camp. (great for motivation & networking)
  4. Grow in my Beachbody Coaching.
  5. Increase Mary Kay clients by 150.
  6. Build ICU Fit clients, in and out of the gym.
  7. Get myself more organized.
  8. Learn and implement better time management.
Well, that's gonna do it for 2010. I am going to be extra hard on myself to accomplish all of these things. What are your resolutions?
Yours in Health, Fitness, and Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro

Prelude to New Years

It's the day after Christmas. Have you thought about your New Years resolutions? Why not start them NOW? I have given my resolutions much thought. Little known fact? My personal life is a mess. So, in addition to my wellness, health and fitness goals, I had to take a close look at my life. Adjustments must be made.
The truth is, there is no rule that says that you have to wait until New Years to start these things.
This year, one of my biggest goals is to help as many people as possible reach their health & fitness goals, as well as possibly increase their income. That is why I want to be your fitness coach. As you see your success with your weight loss and fitness goals, you, too, will want to help others.
Go now to my Beachbody site and join My Team! There are two options: a free option or a pay ($2.99 a week) option. Read abot it there and decide! Go to Let's do it!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Help me please!

The Mary Kay Ash Foundation is dedicated to ending women's cancers and domestic abuse.

Throughout her life, Mary Kay Ash showed others how to live and how to give. She gave hope to women who lacked opportunity, self-esteem and financial support. Now her legacy of love lives on through The Mary Kay Foundation, which she began in 1996. The foundations mission is to eliminate cancer and to end the epidemic of violence against women.

My Goal is to raise $5000 for this charity to be delivered the first week of January, 2010. In order to do this I need to sell 770 tubes of lipstick. I chose lipstick because 1. it's low in cost 2. every woman loves lipstick and feels more beautiful with some on, and 3. because lip color is fun.

I have been a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant for many years and the MKAF is a charity that I enjoy giving to yearly. This year I would like to far exceed the amount I have been able to donate in years past. Please help. Heres how:

Go to my website: Go ahead and register. (I won't fill your email with a bunch of stuff. You can expect no more than two emails a month from me about Mary Kay items.)

Click on the link that says "Makeup". Then click on the link that says "lips". Add the colors you'd like into your shopping cart.See the colors on the website. SEND NO MONEY OR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION. I will email you an invoice for your selected items later. That way you can pay in a secure manner w/o worries or hassles. You may pay for your items via Credit Card through online invoice or, MO or Personal check via snail mail. After this event has ended, I will order all lip colors DIRECTLY from the company, and fresh, new product will be mailed to you within 2 weeks of events close. If you live anywhere from Key Largo - Islamorada I will hand deliver items to you. If not shipping is $1 for up to 3 lip colors and $2 for 4 or more.

I know it will be a challenge to sell 770 lip colors. Help me reach my goal.

This event will run from NOW until December 31. PLEASE HELP ME raise money for this event. Cancer and domestic violence are two causes that are close to my heart. Invite your friends and family to join.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

No Crust Pumpkin Pie

A quick and easy dessert- just in time for the holidays.
No Crust Pumpkin Pie  This is so delicious you won't even miss the crust.

1 (12 oz.) pkg. silken tofu
1 c. canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)
1 (1 oz.) box sugar free vanilla instant pudding mix
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
Add all ingredients to a bowl and stir until smooth. Serve chilled. Makes 4 servings.
Nutritional information: Calories: 90, Fat: 3 g., Carbs: 12 g., Protein: 4 g.

Yours in HEalth, Fitness, and Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Enabling and Taking Responsibility.

I wasn't sure which of the many topics in my head and my inbox to expand on until I turned on the television and got engulfed in TLC's "Half Ton Dad", Half Ton Mom", and "Half Ton Teens", I KNEW I had my topic.
1022 pound young father? A 29 year old mom who is 900 pounds? 800 pound 19 year old?  573 pound 16 year old? 700 pound 18 yr old? Wake up people!

Obesity rates in the United States are among the highest in the world. According to the CDC, 64% of adults are overweight or obese, and 26% are obese. It estimates that the number of obese American adults has been rising steadily, from 19.4% in 1997, 24.5% in 2004 to 26.6% in 2007. Should current trends continue, 75% of adults in the United States are projected to be overweight and 41% obese by 2015.
The economic cost attributable to obesity in the United States has been estimated to be as high as $99.2 billion in 1995, with $51.64 billion attributable to direct medical costs.Researchers for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and RTI International estimate that in 2003, obesity-attributable medical expenditures reached $75 billion.

It's not like these people woke up one day and weighed 400 pounds. Barring medical reasons (which none of them had), they have to take reponsibility for their action. The "Half Ton Mom" paid with her life, leaving behind a husband, an 8yr old daughter and a 13 yr old daught who both have weight struggles. Murphey, the 18 year old, paid with his life as well.  But SOMEONE was bringing them donuts, cakes, cookies, sodas and pizza. They couldnt even walk, except for the 16 yr old. Their mothers played a GREAT role in their problems. I watched in HORROR as the moms made hot dogs and lasagna for them, after the doctor told them no more. John orders hot wings, pizza, curly fries, and cheesecake, in ONE MEAL. Mom enables them for everything: they did NOTHING for themselves: 19 yrs old, 800 pounds, and didnt know how to BATHE himself. Moms and other various family members brought them everything they wanted. Everything kept at arms length or a yelled "mom!" away. At what point do we stop enableing our children and make them take responsibility? Even 18 yr old Murpheys death didnt make these people open their eyes. Not the death of Renee, the 29 yr old mom, and not the news from the doctor of their own impending death.
These kids ENTIRE life was in their bedrooms: Video games, Television, Computers, Internet, Cell's all robbing our children and others of growing up the things that MADE our child hood: Remember playing Kickball in the streets? HA! We would RUN home off the school buss so that we could get our homework done, so we could go out and play kickball in the streets. Home plate was an old aluminum can that someone threw on the side of the road, and second base was that jagged crack in the street. :-) We played tether ball and hide-and-go-seek.We played basketball, and touch foot ball. We played games outside that we made up. "Ok. We run to the tree and find a big rock and then run back and put it on the bucket. The last one to get back is a rotten egg!" We couldnt get lost in the internet, or Video games. OH. We HAD video games. (Remember Atari?) But the concept of sitting at home doing NOTHING wasnt an option.

Our children are dying. They are getting Lazier every day and have this sense of entitlement. Do you cook seperate meals for your children than you do for you? DO you have the snack drawer or cabinet that is for the kids? WHY? If YOU can't eat it because it's crap, why are you letting THEM eat it?
WE need to do something about this. Because, overweight/obese children, turn into overweight/obese adults...if they live that long. I could go into all the different health problems and issues obesity causes..but you already know about them.Take responsibilty: for ourself and our children. DO NOT enable them or their destructive behavior.

I STRONGLY encourage EVERYONE to get moving! Be active.Let your children see you being active. Involve them in activities. DO WHATEVER you need to do to prevent this EPIDEMIC from spreading. Make it a family activity. After dinner, the whole family goes for a walk, a bike ride, something. Okay,Sunday is family day. That is FABULOUS. It doesnt have to be a movie, vegging out, and pizza. Go places. Go to the park and have a family picnic with frisbee and volleyball. WHATEVER. Just get moving.
I am on day 7 of my Beach Body Fitness Journey.I hope to show you that no matter HOW busy life gets, you have to make time for health and fitness. You may follow me on Twitter (, or on my Beach Body BlogSpot (

Yours in Health, Fitness, and Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro~CPT

I answer your questions.

I recieved the following message in my inbox on Facebook. I decided to answer this in this blog because many of you who are following my Beach Body Fitness Journey ( may have these same questions.
"Hi Karen. Glad you are feeling better. I just wanted to thank you for all of the motivational words. I really enjoy your blog, and FB pages. I do have a few questions for you.
1. What is your lemon water exactly? Why do you drink it every morning?
2. Have you really been doing P90X and Insanity? Doing both doesn't exahust you to the core? Plus you still work 2+ jobs!
3. What are the pros of Shakeology -vs- a protein shake with, lets just say, PB, banana and fat free milk?
4. What is the Figure 8 Am workout?
I look forward to seeing you around the gym. Have a great day!"

1.I drink lemon water every morning first thing. It is 8 oz of room temperature or warm water with the juice of 1/2 lemon squeezed into it. I do it for the benefits.Lemons help to cleanse your body of toxins, helps purify the liver and kidneys, aids in digestion and so much more. I probally drink this 2-3 times a day.
2. I have been doing BOTH P90X and Insanity and YES! Its pretty tough. As I keep getting busier & busier, I am concidering doing P90X one day and Insanity another. But for now, I will stick to this.AND I WILL DEFINTELY BE KEEPING MY J-O-B and my business. It's a must in this economy.
3. I do Supplement with Shakeology AND Whey Protein Shakes.There are differences. I use protein shakes as the perfect supplementation for muscle building and muscle recovery. Therefore, BEFORE and AFTER a workout. Shakeology my lifesaver! It provides me with instruments for  energy (I burn, on average, between 3500-4000 a day) & long term health and wellness. I won't pretend to be able to explain enough about it to do it justice. To learn more about Shakeology, click here.
4. The figure 8 A.M. workout is a workout I do every morning to wake up. I actually got it from a PHENOMINAL personal trainer out of  Toronto, ON. I'd love to tell u all about it, but that is something I save for my clients. :-)

Thank you for the emails/ FB messages/ text messages. I really do read them all; I look forward to them. I am listening.
Yours in Health, Fitness & Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro~CPT

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

OMG! What Have I Gotten Myself Into???

I told you to ask whatever you'd like, and boy did you ask! LOL! I love ya'll. I promised to answer them so here goes:
1. Will U marry me and bear my children? I started with this one on purpose. HA HA! I have to tell you that, while you are exceptionally cute, I am already married and have 2 biological and 2 step children. So the answer is: NO. :-)

2. Why did you want to be a personal trainer? I wanted to be a trainer because I have struggled with weight and health issues for so long, I wanted to know how to lose the weight and be fit and do it properly. I knew that there must be a lot of other people with the same issues as me. Once I started, I realized how much I enjoyed it. After graduation someone I admire greatky told me to "be the change I wanted to see in this world". I am trying.

3. What do you do for fun? Well, this is fun for me. I enjoy training and thats what I do.

4. Don't you have other interests besides sweating? I am gonna assume that by sweating you mean "working out"! Yes. I do have other interests. I like to hang out with friends, although I don't get invite to too many places. Not sure if thats because people assume I am too busy (might be) or just don't want to. I like spending time with my kids. I like movies, reading, red wine and food. My top priority, right now, is date night and family.

5. Is it hard too keep up with all the questions and stuff on Facebook? I am a self admitted Facebook addict. No. It's not hard. I enjoy it. I love hearing from you all and staying in touch with people that I would have long lost contact with if not for Facebook. Which, actually, is a sad statement.

6.Would you ever consider doing a boot camp in my area? HELL YES.

7. Ever consider moving from the Keys and exploring your options? All the time. But I love this community and the people in it.

8.Are you really this happy and positive all the time? No. ;-) Sorry. It's the truth. I focus on the positive as much as possible. I have my moments. I "wusaw", I meditate,I cry, I call my sister, I scream, I do whatever I need to do to shake it off.

There are a lot more questions. I will not be answering them all tonight. I am answering every question in the order recieved. You guys are extremely curious! I like that. Keep em coming1
Yours in Health, Fitness and Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro

Sunday, November 22, 2009

NO FEAR of Holiday Weight gain! My Beachbody Fitness Blitz.

It is a known fact that the holidays are a time of  indulgence: in family, friends, food and alcohol. I plan on enjoying myself throughout this time, but will still save at least an hour a day, EVERY DAY, just for me.  This is the time of year where the stress of the holidays and the "joy" of the season puts a few extra pounds on our waistlines.We find excuses NOT to exercise and get caught up in the season. Not me! My hope is that my journey will inspire you to either get moving or keep pushing!

As all of you may know, I am a Beachbody Coach, as well as a certified Personal Trainer.  As such, it is my joy to help you get into the best shape of your life. You can see my own transformation thus far by clicking HERE  to see my profile. I can help you pick the program thats right for you, which is extremely helpful when/if you are unable to workout with me. {or another personal trainer. :-)} While you are there, look around. Sign up for the FREE Supergym.

From Monday, November 23rd Until December 31st, thanks to Mobile Blogger, Twitter, and my Blackberry, I will take you along for the ride. Follow me as I  juggle it all: Family, Work, Clients, J-O-B (Joyless Occupational Bondage), Holidays, Friends, and ME! I LOVE what I do. So much fun!

So Follow me: and subscribe to my blog at to see whats going on!
Yours in Fitness,Health, and Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Most Over Used Equipment in Gyms Across America

What IS the most over used piece of equipment in the gym? Here is a hint: I HATE that its SOOO overused? (All my clients and Boot Campers probably figured it out now!) The answer? THE SCALE!

You ever notice that what you weigh at 7 a.m. is different from what you weigh at 9 a.m., 12 p.m. 5 p.m. etc.??? We put SOOO much emphases in the numbers that we forget about the big picture: how much FAT do you have on your body? How much MUSCLE? THAT is the real marker of true health and fitness. Take two people that are the same height and the same weight; person "A" has 15% body fat and person "B" has 30% body fat. Who looks the best? Who looks healthier? How is fitter? Firmer? Tighter?

Everyone needs to maintain a certain amount of fat on their body. This is called essential fat. Fat is necessary to regulate body temperature, cushion and insulate organs and tissues, and is the bodies main storage of energy.

Knowing that you weigh 175 pounds says NOTHING as to your general fitness. You don't know how much of that is muscle, or how much is fat. Knowing that your body fat percentage is 27% gives you a truer knowledge of where you are and what you need to improve. You will know how much is muscle, how much is fat. You can gauge if your program is converting fat into lean muscle, if you are losing body fat, gaining muscle, losing muscle tone. It'll help you know what in your program you need to change or expand on. Do you wanna be 150 pounds of jiggle or 150 pounds of firm, toned body? Knowing this number can help you make lifestyle choices that can help you be as healthy as possible.

The scale is simply a "tool" that can be used to figure out your body weight percentage. Let the way you feel and the way your clothes fit be the measure you use to determine if your program is working.

Any Certified Personal Trainer can test your body fat and tell you how much is Lean Mass and how much is Fat Mass.

Feel free to contact me or stop into the gym to have your body fat measured.

Until next time,
Yours in Health, Fitness, and Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro~CPT

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How to Pick a Personal Trainer & Why You May Need One

Right now, with the economy being the way it is, hiring a personal trainer may seem like a luxury. But having a certified trainer has many benefits that absolutely justify the cost, and there are ways to save.
According to The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, women and men who met with a personal trainer experienced greater gains in strength and muscle size, which can also increase your metabolism and fat-burning potential.
There are many more advantages to the hiring of a personal trainer:
  • Accountability- you are 10 times more likely to fit your workouts into your busy life, or to be motivated to complete your workouts, when you have paid for the session AND when you know that someone is waiting for you.
  • Plateau's- at a certain point in your weight loss or fitness journey, you may reach a point where you can't shed the extra pounds or get the gains that you are looking for. A personal trainer can help you shoot past these plateau's.
  • Getting Started- maybe you just don't know where or how to begin. A certified personal trainer can get you started and take you from the beginning of your fitness, wealth and weight loss goals.

So how do you pick the trainer that works for you? Most trainers will offer a free, no obligation, consultation. This is the opportunity for the two of you to get to know each other: the trainer finds out what your goals are and you find out if you are comfortable with the trainer or not. You want to know if this person can help you reach YOUR goals. During the consultation, ask yourself: are they really listening to me? Do I feel that they can help me reach my goals? Are they knowledgeable? can they answer my questions? Do they have my best interest at heart? What else should you look for?

  • Education- Make sure that you trainer is certified by a reputable organization.
  • CPR- make sure that your trainer has an up to date certification in CPR & First aide.
  • Experience & expertise- make sure your trainer has experience & knowledge with what your goals. This could be from personal experience or field work.
  • Medical Conditions- if you have specific medical conditions your trainer should be willing to work with your doctor.
  • Availability-Is your trainer available to you for questions?
  • Professionalism- Again, are they listening to you? Are they presenting themselves in a professional manner, whether that be with the paperwork they offer you to the way they present themselves?
  • A good trainer is NEVER done learning and doesn't know EVERYTHING. Look for a trainer that is not so "full of themselves" that they are not staying on top of their game and are not trying to constantly improve their craft.

A good trainer will give you a good workout. A GREAT trainer will listen to you and take care of you mind and body. The health of a client is a lot more than simply helping you lose 20 pounds or making your biceps bigger. A trainer needs to listen, and focus ONLY ON YOU during your sessions. They should be willing to answer questions and they should track your progress, making changes to your program as needed. Your trainer should be a source of encouragement and motivation.

What are some red flags for trainers to avoid? Beware of trainers that fit the following:

  • Doesn't return phone calls or emails. This is something that a reputable trainer will NEVER understand. I wanted to find a reason that this may happen, but couldn't think of a single one, except death.
  • Works you so hard that you are in pain for days. A little bit of soreness is normal, if not expected. But you shouldn't be in so much pain that you can not function, or complete everyday tasks. Leg soreness? AWESOME! Can't get outta bed? NOT SO AWESOME!
  • Ignores or dismisses your questions or concerns. There really is NO SUCH THING as a stupid question when it comes to your health and your body. Your questions should be answered and you should never be made to feel 'stupid'.
  • Not focusing on you. If your trainer interrupts your sessions to talk to friends or answer non emergency phone calls-you need a new trainer. If your trainer is jammin' out on their Ipod during your session-you need a new trainer.
  • Recommends questionable supplements or herbs- Talk to your doctor before you take anything!
  • Diagnosis injuries or illness-This is your doctors expertise. Always refer to your doctor.

Remember, when you hire a trainer you are entering into a Client-Trainer relationship. Its a dual relationship. There are things that you can do to be a better client AND get the most out of your sessions:

  • Give the required amount of notice is you need to cancel or reschedule your session. The time frame required SHOULD be in the contract.
  • Save idle chit chat for later. Your session is a time to focus on YOU and YOUR GOALS. Nothing else matters at this time.
  • Address any problems that you have with your trainer IMMEDIATELY. Do not let things sit and "marinade". This is the perfect recipe for turning mound into a mountain.
  • Bring your own water or purchase it from the facility that you are being trained out of BEFORE your session starts.
  • Right down any questions that you have and bring it to your session. You will spend less time talking and more time focused and working out.
  • Remember that, while your trainer will guide you, YOU have to put in the work.

As a Nationally Recognized and Accredited Certified personal trainer, I am here to help you reach your fitness, health and weight loss goals. Find out more information about me by exploring my website. or giving me a call: 305-394-2898. I do offer a free consultation, which will allow us to see if we are compatible, and gives me the opportunity to hear what your goals are. If I can't help you, odds are I know a certified trainer who can!

Do not let anything or anyone stand in the way of achieving your goals!

Until next time,

Yours in Health, Fitness, and Wellness,

Karen Williams-deCastro

"Fitness-If it came in a bottle, everyone would have a great body." -Cher

"Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness." - Earl of Derby

"A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time- pills or stairs." -Joan Welsh

"True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body- the two are united." - Alexander Von Humboldt

"Money is the most envied, but the least enjoyed. Health is the most enjoyed but the least envied." - Charles Caleb Colton

Friday, November 6, 2009

How DARE You.

Some jackass walks up to a dear friend of mine and basically calls her "fat". Now, lets forget about the fact that its rude as hell. AND, let's forget about the fact that, not only has she lost weight in the past months, but she's been putting forth HELLA effort at it. And, lets forget about the fact that she has struggled with her weight, like me, for a long time. Let's also forget about the fact that the jerk that said it could stand to lose a couple or 30 pounds his damn self. You know what? We will even forget about the fact that society says that we, as woman, are supposed to be an anorexic, bulimic, crackhead that wears a size 0, eats lettuce, and is cranky all the time because your hungry, have no energy, and a crappy outlook on life. None of THAT even matters. What DOES matter is that, before you start pointing a finger you should REALLY take a good look at yourself.
Who of us, are perfect? As individuals and as a people as a whole, we all have flaws. People that belittle others are actually reflecting some inadequacies of their own. I invite you to walk a mile in someones shoes BEFORE you make judgement.
That being said, losing weight and getting in shape is one of the HARDEST tasks that people take on daily. For most, it is a struggle. Regardless of what you may feel, the best thing you can do, if you can't encourage, is KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Negativity begets negativity. All those people sitting around laughing and talking trash with you...guess what? They do the same thing, directed toward you, when you are not around. You will get no high-fives or kudos from me for it. I think you are small minded. You put forth a facade that you are happy with yourself and loved, but I know what you know: you have low self esteem and a miserable life; you are surrounded by miserable people; and, if you continue down this path, you will die that way: miserable and alone.
Human nature prevents me from feeling sorry for you, even though I know your fate. You hurt someone I love. The "OLD" me wishes you harm and pain. But the "NEW" me hopes you wake up from this path that you are on and get right. Go with miserable prick.
To all my friends: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, let ANYONE make you feel like you are "less than". You are BEAUTIFUL just the way you are. You have a purpose. Stay positive and follow your heart. Focus on whatever goals you have: for yourself, your family and your happiness. All those who are your true friends will jump on board, help you on your journey, and celebrate your successes. Tell everyone else to "go to hell and get outta your way!"
Until next time,
Yours in Fitness, Health and Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Don't Fall Victim to the Drama

 I must repost t his for you. You know who you are!

(THIS BLOG IS DEDICATED TO MY SISTER: We have accomplished too much and gone too far. We have struggled too much and pushed too hard. "I am too Positive to be Doubtful, too Optimistic to be Fearful and too Determined to be Defeated!" GIVE 'EM HELL SIS!) If the shoe fits.....

Small town Drama. Who can avoid it? I, myself, feel a certain sense of accomplishment when I hear new and interesting facts about me that I never knew before. I have done things, said things, and been places that I have no recollection of.: "I said WHAT?" " I was WHERE?" "I slept with WHO?" "She didn't acheive her goal because I did WHAT?" Alas, I have become the victim of the small minded, miserable, lonely, pathetic, GOSSIPER (insert Twilight Zone music here)! I know of what I speak because I have BEEN this person and I have VOWED to not fall into this category of people EVER again.

I tell people all the time that I am a "work in progress". And I am. I have been this person. And when I look back on it, it makes me sad to know that I have the potential of falling into this group of people.

I have learned, the hard way, that gossipers/trash-talkers are the most cunning, conniving, hateful individuals. They pull you into there deceitful web under the shroud of friendship. They are manipulators. They watch and decide who you like and dislike, who you are in competition with. They use this information and quickly attempt to stir the pot. BUT BUYER BEWARE! You had better believe that if they are gossipping TO you, they are gossipping ABOUT you. Gossipers are a specific type of human: while usually a woman, it can also be a man. They tend to be unhappy in their lives and are clearly lacking in self esteem and confidence. They are people who tend to blame their problems on others, THEY are NEVER the blame for their problems. It's always someone else's fault that: there lives are empty; they can't lose weight; they lost their job; they can't do this or that. Here's my advice to you: AVOID THESE PEOPLE AS MUCH AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE. They suck the life outta you. These people will never truly succeed at anything, because they will always be lonely miserable.

Gossipers, listen up: you are the weakest link....good bye! :-)

So what do you do when you are a victim of gossip? Karen's rule 1-Do not be afraid of confrontation. Call em out. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. Sometimes, it is absolutely appropriate and necessary. Karen's rule 2- Sometimes, rule 1 is not appropriate. Perhaps you are a Independent contracted business owner, such as myself, and the person is a client or former client of yours, or another Independent contractor. Confrontation on gossip and trash talk will only bring you down to their level. I've been here before and was almost there again today. But I have learned from my previous confrontation that it is simply not a good idea in a public setting. Therefore, Karen's rule 3 applies- Show rather than tell. That is, show people who you really are and in time, guess what? That person who is talking trash and gossipping about you, will soon be doing the same to the people she or he are talking to. Eventually people show their true faces. And you would have had to do nothing.

Surround yourself with people who are positive and bring joy into your life. Don't waste your time on these negative, energy sucking people. KEEP going. KEEP pushing. You have goals and aspirations. Go for em. And anyone who can't get on board with that, or are pulling you down? Cut em off. Hold your head high because if people are NOT talking about you, then you are doing something wrong!

Now this is simply this bloggers opinion. As a people we should uplift each other, support each other, motivate each other. Not tear each other down, looking for the fault in others. Because, while you are looking for the fault of others, you have showed a fault of your own.

Until next time,

Yours in Health, wellness and Fitness

Karen Williams-deCastro

“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." Oscar Wilde

“Who gossips with you will gossip of you" Irish Sayings

“If A equals success, then the formula is A equals X plus Y and Z, with X being work, Y play, and Z keeping your mouth shut." Albert Einstein

“A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much" The bible

"What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth." Jewish Proverbs

"“He gossips habitually; he lacks the common wisdom to keep still that deadly enemy of man, his own tongue” Mark Twain

Monday, October 12, 2009

Price Watch

A big complaint today is the price of everything. So, I am always on the look out for healthy foods on Sale. I am a huge fan of Publix because Mr. Bean, the store manager, actually LISTENS to his patrons. I asked him for Fage Greek yogurt and, a week late, my cell phone rings: he had it. I begged for a specific brand of whole wheat pastas. Two weeks later, they had it. So I am extremely loyal to Publix, but I will look for deals at Winn Dixie as well. Here are your Price Watch Deals for today, 10-12-2009:
  • Purdue Chicken Breast Tenderloins-Skinless, boneless and 99% fat free- $2.99 per pound. Limited supply.
  • Boil -in-Bag Success Brown Rice- Buy the family size for $4.29 and there is a $1.00 off coupon for two packs of Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Whole Wheat Pasta.
  • Alma's Whole Wheat Angel hair Pasta was on sale for $1.39 for a 16 oz package.
  • Red seedless Grapes are on sale for $1.49 per pound.
  • Red bell peppers are still a little pricey at $2.99 per pond, but it still a savings of about .30-.40 cents a pound and they looked good.
  • Greek Yogurt. I am a huge fan of Fage's Greek yogurt, which is $4.39, but right now the CHOBANI brand is on sale for $2.89. The taste is similar.
  • HEALTHY CHEAT MEAL ALERT: Boboli 100% Wheat Pizza Crusts are buy 1 get 1 free and there are two in a pack. I got the 8" Crusts , 2 packages (total of 4 crusts) for $4.39.
  • Eat Smart Fresh Veggies are on sale for only $1.00 a 12-oz bag.
  • SmartWater's 33.8 fl oz bottles are on sale for $1.00

Yours in health, fitness, and wellness,


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Healthy Swaps and Recipe of the day- Issue 1

There are certain things that we love that we simply can't live without. For me that would be sex, :-), working out, my kids, energy and Peanut Butter (but not necessarily in that order!) But some things that we can't live with out simply is not good for your fitness goals or your health. In my case, and maybe yours, it's Peanut Butter & Energy Drinks..

Peanut Butter is great for protein intake and healthy fats. But consider this: regular commercial brand peanut butter ( smooth style) can have, in 2 tbsp, upwards of 160-200 calories, 12-19 grams fat, 2-6 grams of saturated fats, 130-150 grams of sodium, 4-10 grams of sugar, 3-10 grams of protein. For most of us who are trying to lose weight, firm up and be in generally better health, this is simply too much fat, too many calories, too much sugar, and too much sodium for 2 tablespoons! So WHAT TO DO!?!?!?! Here is your healthy swap for Peanut Butter: Bell Plantations PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter. WAIT! Don't freak out yet! "Karen, POWDERED Peanut butter? I DON'T THINK SO!" LOL! Hold on: this product is shipped in powder form. To prepare, you mix 2 tbsp of PB2 powder with 1 tbsp of water. When you first open the freshness seal, you are overcome by the smell of fresh roasted peanuts. This is because the product is "made with premium quality peanuts that are slow roasted and pressed to remove fat." I mixed 2 tbsp w/ 1 tbsp of water and mixed. I loved that it smelled like peanut butter. As I mixed it with a knife I was, again, pleasantly surprised , to see that it had the consistency of peanut butter. I used it for the first time plain because I wanted to see the true taste with out anything extra: there is a slight, let me stress, slight difference in taste. A little less "peanutty" than regular peanut butter but still GREAT flavor, exact same consistency and great taste. And what's in those 2 tbsp? 53.2 Calories, 1.87 grams of fat, 77.6 mg sodium, 3.4 grams carbohydrates, 1.66 grams of sugar, and 5.65 grams protein. You can get this product by going to the following website: This product is really affordable and comes in a chocolate flavor as well! This product can be mixed into a protein shake, and has many other uses. Try in with IsoPure's Zero Carb Pure Chocolate Protein Powder or with Chocolate flavored Shakeology. You can find Shakeology on my Team Beach Body website :

Energy 5 hour energy shot, 6 hour energy shots, 8 hour energy shots: dump them now! Why not get your energy, nutrients, antioxidants, and natural fat burners in one, filling shake that you can use to replace a snack or a meal? At Eco Eats in Key Largo, and soon to be, in Tavernier, you can get "Karen's Nutrient Fat Burner". This shake gives you energy, nutrients, antioxidants, a little "sweet tooth" satisfaction,and a natural fat burn. Pete, or whoever is working behind the counter, will make you one, fresh, with the following ingredients: Strawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Blue Berries, Green Tea, Spinach, Whey Protein, Cinnamon, and Oatmeal. They'll throw it in their blender for you with some ice and you'll be on your way out the door in no time! This shake will provide you with sustained energy without the crash of sugar or processed items, and with out a ton of caffeine and it's a lot healthier for you, providing vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that you can't get from those shots or your cup of joe! Plus it taste's great. Nice and cool, refreshing, a little bit of sweetness from the fruit and a hint of cinnamon. Perfect for after a workout or to fight that mid day slump. While you are there, get a shot of Wheat Grass! Yum! You can customize your shake at Eco Eats with supplements for Protein, Immunity, Performance Boost, and Vitamins. Pete can help you with what you need.

Recipie of The Day.

As many of you know I am a huge fan of clean eating. Try this simple recipe on for size. Let me know your thoughts!

Pasta Roll-ups with Turkey and Spinach

1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 lb ground turkey breast
3/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1 28-oz can whole tomatoes in juice
1 tsp salt
8 sheets dried high-protein or whole-wheat lasagna
1 10-oz box frozen chopped spinach, thawed
1 15-oz container non-fat ricotta cheese
1 egg
3/4 cup shredded reduced-fat mozzarella cheese
In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion and cook until softened, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook another minute. Turn heat to medium-high and add ground turkey, breaking it up with a spatula until meat shows no sign of pink. Stir in cinnamon and nutmeg, then add tomatoes and salt. Reduce heat to medium-low, stir, cover and let simmer for 20 minutes, occasionally stirring and breaking up tomatoes with a wooden spoon.
Meanwhile, bring a large pot of water to boil. Cook pasta according to package directions, drain, rinse and allow to cool in a colander.
Preheat the oven to 400°F. Squeeze all remaining moisture from thawed spinach and place in large bowl. Add ricotta cheese, egg and a 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese to bowl. Stir until combined.
Spread 1 cup of cooked tomato sauce into bottom of a 9" x 10" casserole dish. Lay a cooked lasagna noodle flat in front of you. Use your fingers to spread 1/8 of ricotta mixture across the noodle and roll it up. Place the rolled pasta seam side down, into the casserole dish. Repeat with remaining noodles. Spread remaining tomato sauce over roll-ups, then top with remaining 1/2 cup mozzarella.
Bake, covered with foil, for 20 minutes. Remove foil and broil for 5 minutes or until the rollups are browned and bubbly.
Calories: 234
Total Fat: 3 g
Sat. Fat: 0 g
Carbs: 27 g
Fiber: 5 g
Sugars: 7 g
Protein: 28 g
Sodium: 508 mg
Cholesterol: 76 mg
One serving of these lasagna-style roll-ups gives you 90 percent of your vitamin A requirement and a healthy dose of calcium – 366 milligrams to be precise.

Serve with a tossed salad of mixed greens.

Look her for new recipes often. Send me your favorite food recipe and I'll redesign it to be more healthy.

Yours in Health, Wellness & Fitness
Karen Williams-deCastro

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Biggest Loser Season 8 & How It Affects You

476 pounds. 57+% Body Fat. Real Age:30 Biological Age:45. Type 2 diabetes. 245 pounds at the age of 14. Not being able to walk a mile, having to be carried across the finish line at a 27:47 minute mile. Then passing out and having to be medi flighted to the hospital. Not being able to fit into your desk at college. Afraid of not being able to see your children grow up. Being so overweight that you can not have a child. If this is sad and depressing, then it's having it's desired affect.
THIS is the TRUE state of America now. We are getting bigger and bigger, more unhealthy as a people, every single day. Our CHILDREN are bigger, unhealthy, sedentary, and facing childhood obesity at rates that are incomprehensible. Bob said it best "These contestants are the biggest we've ever had. And it's because WE are getting bigger."
I am a personal trainer who takes a great interest in the welfare of all of my clients. I do this because it is my passion. I have been there. I was the girl sitting on the end of the bed crying because none of my clothes fit, and those that did, only made me feel self conscience and out of place. I was the girl who wanted to wear the cute clothes and have the cute guy say hi to me. I was that kid in class that felt awkward. I was the girl who tried to cover up in long t-shirts and shorts at the beach. I felt fat, worthless. I was lonely and sad. Is this what some of our children are facing? Do you feel like this? Are you sick & tired of being sick and tired?
We are always looking for the quick fix: "Lose 30 pounds in 2 weeks while you sleep!" "Take this pill and lose up to 100 pounds!" "Breathe your way to a slimmer you!" "Eat all you want and lose weight!" We try all the gimmick diets: Grapefruit Diet, Run-and-hide-from-carbs Diet, Chicken Soup diet, EAT LIKE A BIRD DIET (uuhhggg!!) I am sorry to have to tell you, but none of these things actually work. And NONE of them are safe. And worst of all, if by some miracle of god you actually LOSE weight on these things, as soon as you start eating again, you'll gain all the weight PLUS some back. But then, you already know that don't you? You already know that the only way to lose weight & keep it off; to get fit and healthy; to be energized and improve your quality of life; is to adopt a healthy LIFESTYLE. That means incorporating exercise and healthy eating habits into your everyday life. You'll set a great example for your family and cut your risks for many diseases and conditions.
Get a Certified Trainer (shameless promotion!). Get in the gym. GET MOVING. Lift weights (yes...u too ladies. You won't look like Ronnie Williams! You'll be non jiggly! Except where you wanna jiggle!) Eat right. You know that a Bacon Egg and Cheese Biscuit, fried potatoes and coffee isn't the ideal breakfast. Don't say "Okay. I'll start tomorrow." Tomorrow turns into another tomorrow and another, and then all of sudden tomorrow turns into Monday because you don't to start in the middle of the week. (I never really understood that reasoning....). Make a commitment and do it NOW!
You need help getting starting? NO WORRIES. Call me. Text me. Facebook me. Go to my website. I can help you. PLUS...(drum roll please!!) BOOT CAMP is coming!!!! More details are on my site. So make a commitment NOW. Register on my site and sign up for Boot Camp. That will get you started right! $30 a week and you pick the three days/time slots that work for you! All information is listed on the site. AND you do not have to wait for boot camp. Call, text, Facebook me and we can get you going before that! We can do it NOW!
Remember the first paragraph of this blog? My goal is to help as many people as possible AVOID that or stop it. If you need help, or you need the motivation or you need to accomplish your health and fitness goals; if you can Decide & Commit, then I can help you succeed. The time is now. Don't wait.
Yours in Health and Wellness,
Karen Williams-deCastro~CPT

Friday, August 7, 2009

As I sit here and read over quite a few emails that I have gotten, I have discovered the #1 reason for not working out is "I just don't have time!".I am here to tell you, YES YOU DO!
According to the American Council of exercise (ACE), just as you make time to take a shower or brush your teeth, exercise should be a part of what you do every day, and it has to be for your own good.
First hand, it is an "excuse", not a reason. Especially as women, we take time to take care of everything and everyone else: kids, homes, spouses, chores, friends, family, and, in most cases, a full time job as well. My question is: What are you doing for YOURSELF? And will it improve the quality of you life?
I am a mother of twin 13 yr old boys. I am a wife. A friend. An aunt. A daughter. A sister. A confidant. A full time personal trainer. I hold a full time job outside of the home. I conduct skin care classes outside of the home. I operate several in home businesses, including that of a Beachbody Coach. I still workout 4-6 days a week. Is it easy? NO! Absolutely not. But I know that exercise is going to give me more energy throughout the day to do all the things I need to do. There are soo many benefits to exercise, that I could probably write a book about it. But I'm only going to list a few:
  • Reduces the risk of premature death.
  • Improves your mood.
  • Combats chronic diseases such as heart disease, which is the leading killer of woman, & osteoporosis.
  • Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer and breast cancer .
  • Reduce the risk of developing diabetes
  • Helps manage your weight. Notice I said HELPS. You still have to eat a healthy diet, full of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Boosts your energy level.
  • Promotes better sleep.
  • Can help put the spark back into your sex life. Are YOU often too tired for sex or feel outta shape and "fat"? Who wants to be intimate with their significant other when you feel that way?*Can help promote closer family units. You can make fitness a part of your life. Get the kids out from the front of the television, video games and the computer,and get them off of the couch! Go to the park or the pool. Go outside and throw the ball around or for a family bike ride.
  • Reduce high blood pressure or the risk of developing it.
  • Build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints .
  • Enhanced work, recreation, and sport performance.
  • Improved digestion.
  • Alleviates menstrual cramps.
  • Makes body more agile.
  • Enhances immune system.
  • Improves liver functioning.
  • Increases speed of muscle contraction and reaction time.
  • Increases metabolic rate.
  • Enhances coordination and balance.
  • Improves posture.
  • Eases and possibly eliminates back problems and pain.
  • Makes the body use calories more efficiently.
  • Improves body composition.
  • Increases body density.

And the list goes on and on. I want to make sure that you are here to see the children grow up, live out your life with your friends and family, enjoy the time that you have. Exercise will help you do that. Not to mention the natural high that you get and the sense of accomplishment from completing a work out.

Okay Karen. That's great. I get it. I need to workout. BUT WHEN?!?!?! Here are some suggestions:

  1. Wake up an hour earlier. This is what I do. I get up at 5 (sometimes 4 if I have an early client)because no one is up at my house until 630 or 7.
  2. How important is that television show that you are watching? Skip it. I have a friend who watches the news all day long! Why? It's depressing! Skip a news cast and catch it later. Or, TIVO IT!
  3. Can not under any circumstances misses your show? Okay. During the commercials, do jumping jacks, jump rope, jog in place. During the show, do arm curls, lunges, squats, in front of the TV.
  4. DVD workouts. Can't make it to the gym? Workout DVDs will help you with that. I, personally, do Turbo Jam, P90X, Power 90, Hip Hop Abs, Yoga Booty Ballet, and numerous other Beachbody programs. Having a variety of programs is key for me. I can match my workout with my mood if I need too. Click HERE to see these and other programs.
  5. SNEAK it in! Take the stairs. Park further away.
  6. Get the family involved. After dinner, why not take everyone on a brisk bike ride or walk?
  7. Workout on your lunch break. Worried you won't have time to eat? Try shakes. My meal on the run is a Shakeology shake with Sunrise Orange Crystal Light. I bought a shaker cup from GNC that has a cup that screws on the the bottom of the shaker cup and a frozen wand that's inserted into the center to keep it cold. I put a scoop of the Greenberry Shakeology in the cup and fill the shaker with 8 oz of cold water and 2 oz of Sunrise, with the frozen wand in the center. When I am ready for a meal or a snack, I unscrew the cap, dump the powder into the shaker, shake it up and enjoy. Your options for shake ideas can be endless if you have a Magic Bullet! Click HERE for Shakeology information.
  8. Girls night out? Make it a boot camp at a local facility or gather them together for a workout in your home.
  9. Get a Personal Trainer. Even if its only a small amount of 30 minute sessions. A good Personal Trainer will help you make the most of your time to get the bigger benefits. Yes. An hour session is better, but if time/money is an issue, a 1/2 hour session is way better than doing nothing. Plus, you are more likely to make the time when you are paying for it. Same thing for a gym membership. If you live from Kendall-Islamorada, click HERE to register on my Certified Personal Training website.
  10. Enlist the help of TRUSTED friends and family. Can they take over some of your load? Maybe watch the kids for an hour or so?
  11. What are you doing that you don't need to do? Are you still cleaning your teenagers room or doing their laundry? Why? My 13 year olds do their own laundry, clean their own rooms, clean their own bathroom, wash their own dishes and sweep floors, can cook eggs, toast and oatmeal, and can make themselves one hell of a turkey sandwich on whole wheat! Am I taking away from them being a kid. No. Part of my job as their parent is to teach them responsibility and skills to care for themselves. Next, we'll be moving on the preparing chicken and fish!
  12. Make it a priority. Schedule it like you schedule everything else.
  13. Make it routine. Make exercise a habit. And make it as enjoyable as possible.
  14. Use kids practice time. While the kids are at soccer, football, dance practice, or whatever the sport may be, walk, jog, do walking lunges, squats. It's practice. You don't need to be there disrupting them or hanging out. Get Moving!!!
  15. Take a hard look at yourself and decide. Make a commitment to do it and get it done!
  16. Join an online gym, for Free! Lets workout together and keep each other accountable! Click HERE and join my SuperGym for free. add workout buddies and more!

If you can make time to do all the things that you do, could you not take 30 minutes to an hour, everyday, for yourself? There are 168 hours in a week. With everything that you do, don't you deserve 7 of them?

In health and wellness,
